Most Cited Articles

Comparison of Test-retest Measurement Reliability of Iliopsoas Strength between Break and Make Test in Subjects with Lumbar Extension Syndrome
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2019;3(2):54-58.
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Validity of an Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Motion-Analysis System Using a Smartphone for Evaluating Weight-Bearing Activities in Individuals with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2021;5(1):34-40.
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Comparison of Prone Hip Extension Exercise and Prone Hip Extension Exercise after Iliopsoas Stretching on Lumbopelvic Control and Gluteus Maximus Activity in Subjects with Short Iliopsoas
J KEMA 2017;1(1):19-25.
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Comparison of Tibialis Anterior Muscle Activity and Dorsiflexor Strength according to Toe Postures
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2020;4(1):13-17.
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Search for Medical Information and Treatment Options for Musculoskeletal Disorders through an Artificial Intelligence Chatbot: Focusing on Shoulder Impingement Syndrome
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The Comparison for Serratus Anterior Muscle Activity during Protraction in Open Chain and Closed Chain Exercises in Healthy Adults
J KEMA 2018;2(1):1-5.
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Effects of the Muscle Energy Technique and the Self-Stretching Exercise of the Pectoralis Minor on the Pulmonary Function of Young Adults with Thoracic Kyphosis
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2020;4(1):6-12.
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Effects of Local Vibration on Shoulder Horizontal Adduction and Internal Rotation Range of Motion in Subject with Posterior Shoulder Tightness
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Effect of Deep Friction Massage with Taping Technique on Strength, Pain, Function and Wrist Extensor Muscle Activity in Patient with Tennis Elbow
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2020;4(2):76-83.
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Effects of Same-Sided and Cross-Body Load Carrying on the Activity of the Upper Trapezius and Erector Spinae Muscles
J KEMA 2017;1(1):2-6.
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Reliability of Hamstring Flexibility Test with Hip Inferior Glide Mobilization in Patients with Low Back Pain
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2019;3(1):26-30.
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The Effects of Lumbo-pelvic Stabilization on Hip Flexion Range of Motion Measurement
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2019;3(2):49-53.
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Correlation among Non-radiological Measurements for Thoracic Kyphosis
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2020;4(1):1-5.
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Effects of Indirect Pelvic Floor Muscle Activation Exercise Using a Pressure Biofeedback Unit on Trunk Muscle Activity in Sitting Position
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2020;4(1):18-24.
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Effects of the Abdominal Hollowing and Abdominal Bracing Maneuvers on the Pelvic Rotation Angle during Leg Movement
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2020;4(2):70-75.
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The Use of Cryotherapy in the Gout Pain Control: A Systematic Review
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2021;5(1):1-5.
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Classification Model to Discriminate People with and without Pain in the Lower Back and Lower Limb using Symmetry Data
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2021;5(2):72-79.
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Comparison of Pelvic Rotation Angle and Electromyography Activity of the Trunk and Gluteus Maximus Muscles during Four Pilates Exercises
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The Effectiveness of External Support on Hip Abduction Strength in Subjects with Insufficient Core Stability
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2022;6(2):85-90.
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Machine Learning vs. Logistic Regression for Classifying Pressure Pain Hypersensitivity Based on Postural Analysis Data in Food Service Workers with Nonspecific Neck/Shoulder Myofascial Pain
J Musculoskelet Sci Technol 2023;7(2):71-79.
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